About Margot


Hi - I’m Margot!

Born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, I have always had a passion for fitness, health, and nutrition. 

From a young age, I have struggled with chronic digestive issues. It was always challenging and frustrating trying to work out, mentally and physically, what was going on with my body. There was also never any balance -- sometimes I felt fine and some episodes required medical attention. One thing was certain: food always seemed to play a critical role, and was either contributing to my suffering or wellbeing. Overall, these experiences forced me to look at nutrition in a different way and empowered me to take charge of my physical and mental health by making changes in my diet.  

It wasn’t until years later, and during my enrollment in school for Holistic Nutrition, that I recognized the strong connection between digestive health and mental health. 

My own experience to finding food freedom has driven my passion to help others find health through food, in a balanced and sustainable way.

I recognize that no one is perfect and this is an evolving practice, that includes a lot of trial and error. I created the Middle Method to help individuals create healthier habits and balance in their life, as I know it can be a challenging and overwhelming journey. 

I’m here to help you along the way. 

xo Margot


Education + Professional Experience:

Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
Holistic Nutritionist

Precision Nutrition Level 1
Nutrition Certification

CSNN: Advanced Holistic Nutrition Program
Nutrition and Athletic Performance

Health and Wellness with Ayurveda

Experience working for several fitness companies

Experience working in Public Relations for several years

Capilano University
Degree in Communications