Homemade Hazelnut Milk


I like to occasionally make homemade nut milks as it feels like a real treat.

This homemade hazelnut milk is a yummy dairy free alternative. It's super creamy with a little sweetness from the date and vanilla. By making your own plant-based milks you can ensure the ingredients going into it are clean.

This is my standard recipe when making any kind of plant-based milk.




1 cup hazelnuts

3-4 cups of water depending on how creamy you want it

1 date (optional)

1 tsp vanilla extract

Pinch of Himalayan sea salt



  1. Soak hazelnuts in the fridge overnight.

  2. Strain and rinse the nuts and transfer to a blender. Then add the water, date, vanilla and salt.

  3. Blend on high speed until completely smooth.

  4. Pour the milk into a cheesecloth or nut milk bag and squeeze the milk into a bowl.

  5. Pour the strained milk into a jar and enjoy!